Watching my creative process

Would you like to see how I make my bears? I've just added a Step-by-Step page that shows me making these polar bears.
I have been a professional Teddy Bear Artist since 1988. I specialize in creating handmade One Of A Kind teddy bears and other animals from vintage mink stoles, coats, and collars. My bears have appeared in various books and magazines over the past two decades.
Well, Gracie, if you had bothered to read about my work (work that I have been nationally and internationally recognized for over the past 24 years) ... you would have found out that I have been a vegetarian for my entire adult life. You would have found out that I have supported many animal rescue organizations, such as the reintroduction of wolves into the wild. And I have supported various dog rescue organizations for decades. I do NOT use NEW mink pelts!!! I only use VINTAGE mink stoles that are typically from the 1940s through the 1960s. These are furs that are sitting in the backs of closets because they used to belong to Mom or Grandma. So apparently you think that it is better that these furs are tossed into the trash to add to our over-filled landfills??? rather than have me use my skills to turn these old mink stoles into beautiful heirloom teddy bears and other animals that many times become loving mementos of Mom or Grandma to be shared with children, grandchilden and even great-grandchildren. I create these little works of mink "art" that already have a family history and are destined to be loved and treasured for many generations to come. I have always felt that the spirit of the creature that was sacrificed for fashion is still in the pelt and that "spirit" remains with the pelt as it becomes a teddy bear that is "adopted" into the loving homes of my collectors. I found your email to me to be ignorant and rude. I thought of reminding you of the old saying: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." But while this is a nice sentiment, and many people live by it. I doubt that you could be bothered with such as simple and kind thought since you never bothered to take the time to read about my work ... but you did take the time to send me a rude email. Sadly the reality is that people who don't have anything nice to say don't really care about morals, being understanding of other people, or caring about other people's feelings. So it's wasted breath to suggest this to them. I hope that you are not one of these people but for you to take the time to send me an unkind email just 2 days before Christmas has not impressed me very favorably. I think if we want to see an improvement in our society it is much better to be kind to one another. From now on, Gracie, I suggest that until you are sure of all of the facts it is best to keep your opinions to yourself. Merry Christmas~ Kathy Myers
Well, for some reason this Gracie person has decided to continue to torment me with her
high and mighty opinions by email. Lucky me. Of course, I'm blocking her from my email.
I guess she has nothing better to do than to seek out complete strangers to try to
make their lives a living hell with her endlessly long emails about the cruelty to long dead
animal pelts. Obviously her email ID says it all "Crazy Gracie".
She also accused me of being a "Cyber Bully" by listing her name and email on this post.
Of course, since she is a REAL Cyber Bully I have gladly blocked part of her email address
since she fears that some of my collectors might actually try to contact her (I doubt that
anyone I know would waste their time contacting an obvious nut case). But I have left her
name and part of her email because I would not be surprised if she also started
sending hateful emails to anyone who collects real fur teddy bears.
So this is a warning to my collectors: if you receive any emails from this Gracie person
just DELETE them without reading them ... her emails are just filled with hateful words.
Yes ... ANOTHER update (Jan 9, 2013):
Oh my gosh !!! I've become a TARGET ! I've just received another email, obviously
from one of Crazy Gracie's friends. This one WANTED me to post her email
on my blog because she WANTS my collectors to contact her ... apparently
to tell you what horrible people you are for collecting my work. I've deleted
and blocked her email.
Another warning to my collectors: now others have
joined Crazy Gracie to torment me. I'm sure this must meet the definition of
Cyber Bullying ... and they think they are such "good people" because
they love animals ... too bad they do not have the same respect for people
who do not want to engage them in discussion.
To all "animal rights activists" : LEAVE ME ALONE ... STOP EMAILING ME !!!